Monday, October 13, 2014

15 Things I Love About Christmas

Christmas is by far my favorite time of the year, so I sat down and decided to come up with a list of the things I love about it.  Aside from the fact that it is bitterly cold here in Illinois and I'm crazy busy making Christmas stockings, for me the Christmas season is a combination of creating memories and happy stress.


  1. Going to Midnight Mass Christmas Eve
  2. Christmas day with my family (playing Charades)
  3. Gift giving, especially for my Grand-daughter
  4. Decorating and setting up my Mother's Christmas Village
  5. Listening to Christmas music (Rod Stewart's "Merry Christmas, Baby")
  6. Watching Christmas movies, which are too many to list but, love the first "Santa Clause" movie
  7. Baking Christmas cookies, although I wish I had more time to bake more.
  8. Sipping hot chocolate on a comfy chair in front of the fireplace, while admiring the Christmas tree
  9. Shopping in Chicago on Michigan Avenue
  10. Receiving nice comments from customers who ordered Christmas stockings
  11. Going in town (Morris, IL) to shop and look at the beautiful Christmas decorations
  12. Lighting Christmas scented candles
  13. Poinsettias all around the house
  14. Attending the Christmas craft fair at the high school
  15. Taking the time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas and watching "The Nativity Story"

    Now that you know the things that I love about Christmas, what are the things You love?

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